Since 2002, Ripples International has invested $2,000,000 towards the rescue and rehabilitation of sexually abused girls in Kenya. 10 key donors have supported our work from inception until today. We have 3400 documented success stories of girls and babies we’ve rescued from traumatic and humiliating sexual defilement and in many cases inevitable death.

Impact of Ripples International Programs



213 babies were rescued and sheltered at RI New Start Centre



430 girls were rescued and sheltered due gender-based violence at the RI Tumaini Centre



330 girls accessed legal services for defilement cases


children accessed education

16,880 children were supported to access education through fees, materials and school feeding and mentorship programs while living with their caregivers and guardians at the community level.


HIV orphans & vulnerable children

450 are orphans and vulnerable children living with HIV are now living positively with a good number having completed college in gainful employment.


women equipped

2350 women equipped with financial and business literacy skills and supported to start micro-enterprises with 70% now out of extreme poverty.


women accessed justice

96 women accessed justice through diverse legal services in matters relating to family law


community leaders

1500 community leaders equipped with child rights protection and interventions knowledge and skills to offer protection services in their respective


corporate & public leaders

350 leaders from the corporate and the general public equipped with servant leadership skills for the purpose of community transformation.


gender mainstreaming policies

Two gender mainstreaming policies developed or in progress for the county governments of Tharaka Nithi and Meru to give women a voice in matters governance, representation, and management of public resources.


community members reached

2,000,000 community members reached with children rights protection messages through print and electronic media including TV, Radio, IEC materials and murals.


girls project

160 girls project- This is a legal advocacy initiative that aims to achieve justice and protection against rape for all children of Kenya. The project’s highlight is a historic High Court ruling of the 160 Girls project in May 2013 (ref: http://kenyalaw.org/kl/index.php?id=4521 set in a new era and is a giant step towards a more permanent solution on child abuse. RI does not stop at community education and advocacy but actively engages with the stakeholders and government departments, pushing for implementation of policies, and laws in favour of children and women and marginalised groups.


Successful Anti-violence petition

Anti-violence petition submitted to the National Government through the National Commission to the Administration of Justice (NCA) in 2019.